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Ant Hills: All You Need To Know : Olympia Ant Control Experts


It is always crucial to remove an anthill if you are finding the source of an ant infestation. Anthills are the base of an ant’s home. Everyone must have seen an anthill once in their life. Anthills are a vital structure to these creatures, and tough to understand how complex these structures get created.

Let us understand how these tiny crawling insects create massive complex structures.

How are anthills made?

It is crucial to understand how these hills get created. Anthills are like an iceberg which is more than you visualize. These small mounds have an intricate structure hiding inches below the soil.

Anthills are the combination of dirt, small rocks, pine needles, and other leftover materials while digging their colonies. Ants place the excess dirt and debris near the colony entrance by creating tunnels underneath the ground.

The small hole at the top of an anthill serves the entrance and exit from the colony. The larger the ant colonies, the larger the anthills.

The structure of an anthill:

The anthills have varieties of structures and constant activities resembling a human city. For example, anthills have a large chamber with a network of tunnels used for food storage and other activities. During the day, ants move their larvae on the warm surface and to the top during the nighttime.

The design of an anthill differs according to the ant species. For instance, Western Harvester Ants can dig their tunnels and make an anthill for up to 15 feet underneath the ground. A standard anthill surface can range up to 10 feet. Some ants create clay structures above the ground resembling a human skyscraper.

Even if an anthill seems smaller on the ground, it may be wider beneath the ground.

Which ant species build anthills?

The Formica Ants are the most common anthill builders, especially talking about the classic pine-needle anthill. Many other species can also build anthills.

How big can anthills get?

Anthills can range from a variety of sizes ranging from small to large. The anthills made by the Formica Ants can reach up to 8 to 9 feet high with an impressive circumference of 65 feet. That’s huge!

How old can an anthill become?

Many anthills can survive for hundreds of years. But, it also depends upon the sort of the environment and the different species that make an anthill. The common woodland anthills formed can survive long because of a clever system of multiple queens.

Where can we find anthills?

Ants use their surroundings to build the anthills. They create anthills next to trees or on top of (or under) stones, logs, or stubs. Ants refrain from establishing anthills towards the northern hemisphere since the sun will shine the most.

The network of anthills:

Many ant species establish more than one nests which are known as satellite nests. These nests provide the ants to expand their colonies so that they can carry queens or worker ants.

Wrapping up:

Anthills are incredible structures in nature, featuring long and winding tunnels that ants use as their home. If you find an anthill around your house, it means there is a potential risk of an ant infestation. Consult pest control professionals to stop aggravating future ant infestations.